East Lancashire Hospice

A donation made more personal

David Holt and his daughter, Rachel Warren visited the fundraising team at the hospice last month to make a generous donation in memory of his wife, Anne Holt. This was a request made by Anne in her final days and a donation that was able to become more personal than David and Rachel thought.

The husband and daughter, after a discussion with the fundraising team decided they wanted their donation to mean something special to them, and so that’s why they made a dedication on our Mother’s Day page that ran throughout March.

Holt familyAnne who sadly passed away on the 27th February 2023, was a regular fundraiser for the hospice. In 2005 she and her friends Jane, Pat, Susan and Marion joined the London Moonlight Walk to raise as much as they could for a hospice they cared so much about. Ann even wrote to Richard Branson to ask for free train tickets and this was granted.  After much support and cheering on from the hospice, she then signed up to our annual Starlight Walk event and donated weekly through our regular giving page.

David was able to make a donation, wished by his late wife, to the hospice but also be able to honour her in that donation. He uploaded an image of her and leaving a message to say; “Anne you have been a brilliant mother to Jonathan and Rachel, in the six months you had as Logan's grandma you fitted in a lifetime's love. Your passing has left a huge hole in our lives but the happy memories we shared will stay with us forever, you live on in our hearts and we will never forget you. Love and light go with you as you fly free with the Angels and Dragons our Braveheart.”

To make a dedication more personal to you and your family, in memory of your loved one, please visit our donate in memory page - https://­eastla­nc­shos­pice.­org.­uk/­support-us-donate-in-memory

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