East Lancashire Hospice

Bereavement Support

Shoot & Bloom ELH_010421-107_sm Hospice Front Sign & Daffodils (Land)

Are you feeling overwhelmed, confused, empty, helpless, guilty, angry, anxious, depressed, tired or tearful?  These are just some of the many aspects of grief.  Though these are natural processes, they can be all-consuming, debilitating and grief may be one of the most difficult experiences you will go through but you don’t have to cope alone.

Who can access the service?

Hospice support is available to those who have experienced loss within the last three years, are registered with a GP in Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn or Ribble Valley and are aged 18 years or over. In some circumstances where there has been an existing link with the hospice the service may be available for those aged from 16 years.

One to One Support

You will be offered a number of sessions, negotiated between you and your counsellor.  Appointment times and dates are flexible and are arranged around you being able to have protected time at home to talk confidentially.

In need of some support? Contact our counsellors using the details below. If you are a Care Home Manager and would benefit from a named counsellor use the details below to let us know

How to Refer

  • Using our referral form available via the hospice website or from our Clinical Admin team on 01254 916983 or 01254 965864. Alternatively, you can email admin.eastlancashirehospice@nhs.net.

“It gave me the freedom to feel that I could say what thoughts I really had – no matter how crazy they sounded.  I feel that there are days when I feel ok and days when I don’t, but I know that this is ok”