East Lancashire Hospice


Shoot & Bloom ELH_010421-124_sm Hospice Garden Daffodills (Land)

Counselling provides a safe, private, confidential and non-judgemental space that is free from interruptions in which to explore thoughts, feelings and emotions.

How does counselling help?

Counselling is designed to help you clarify issues and challenges and explore possible solutions. It can also help you to develop alternative ways of coping and identify any changes you may wish to make.

Coming to terms with a life-limiting illness can affect people in different ways. You may at times feel overwhelmed with worry, anger, fear or hopelessness. Counselling can help you to explore these feelings and find new ways of coping with situations such as:

· Physical changes that arise as a result of illness and treatment

· Loss of self-confidence

· Stress, anxiety and depression

· Fears about the future

· Changes in relationships

What happens in a session?

Your counsellor will see you over the course of up to six sessions, which will last approximately 50 minutes each. During your first session there will be an opportunity for you and the counsellor to discuss your reasons for seeking support and also what you might hope to achieve from your time working together, as well as to ask any questions you might have.

Sessions can either be held face-to-face at the hospice, online, or even over the telephone. In specific circumstances, we may also be able to offer home visits.

Who can access the service?

Counselling is available to patients with advancing, progressive disease as well as family carers and those important to the patient. Couples counselling is also available. People accessing the service must generally be aged 18 or over and registered with a GP in Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn or the Ribble Valley.

The service accepts referrals from health and social care professionals and voluntary services.

How to refer

Using our referral form available via the hospice website or by calling 01254 965857

(There is no charge for this service).