East Lancashire Hospice

Away with the fairies

CaST (Creative and Support Therapies) have proven their creativity this year. Platinum Jubilee parties, abstract Art Sessions, and Mad Hatter Tea Parties are just a few of the activities they have been engaged in.

But their creativity has really shone on their project to design a magical fairy trail in the East Lancashire Hospice Gardens.

The project started with the design and creation of of fairy houses during their Tuesday morning Creative Clay sessions. These beautiful creations inspired the CaST members to design a garden trail so younger visitors to the hospice could go in search of the magical hidden homes of the fairies.

“The project serves several purposes” Elizabeth Hollis, CaST Team Leader explained. “The CaST members have enjoyed creating the fairy houses, but the intention now is that children visiting loved ones in the Inpatient Unit can go in search of the houses and other secrets hidden in the gardens. We know it can be a challenge for younger family members when here. This is a chance for all the family to enjoy the gardens and escape.”

The CaST members have also drawn beautiful maps of the gardens to guide little feet along the way.

CaST Creative Clay now runs all day on a Tuesday. One CaST member explained the importance of the sessions, “I get totally lost in the clay work. I feel like time just flies by and when I look at what I have achieved, it’s brilliant.”

The gardens also include other features that older children can go in search of, such as sundials and gargoyles, all cleverly hidden around the gardens by our volunteer gardeners. This also has a map for children to mark as they discover the secrets hiding.

The map is now on display in the Inpatient Unit with copies of the map for visitors to follow. A map showing where the fairy houses is available in case younger searchers need a little help.

A big thank you goes out to our volunteer gardeners, Tommy and Angie, who work tirelessly all year round to keep the gardens looking fabulous.

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