East Lancashire Hospice

East Lancashire Hospice Corporate Challenge launch 2023

Twenty one fantastic companies have signed up for this year’s East Lancashire Hospice Corporate Challenge. These incredible businesses came along to the hospice for the official launch on Monday 20th March 2023.

The businesses surrounding Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley all met and networked before they were each given £50 to kick-start their fundraising, donated by this year’s sponsor and local business, Nybble IT Solutions.

Corporate fundraiser Marisa Bannan hosted the launch on behalf of the hospice, and introduced our Chair of Trustees, Graham Parr; Kath Bell from Utility Warehouse, and Nick Pittman from Oswaldstwistle Mills who discussed his personal experience of the hospice, and our Corporate Sponsor, Ram Gupta from Nybble IT Solutions

Ram Gupta, Managing Director of Nybble IT, has supported the hospice for many years and won the Corporate Challenge in 2018. Ram has again shown his support by donating £50 to all of the companies taking part. Nybble IT act as the Corporate Sponsor of the Corporate Challenge, but decided to become involved as a challenger during the official launch.

Ram explained “The services here allow patients to make the most of life, a time where families can be families again and not carers. If we can all help in raising as much money as we possibly can for those people who need it most, we are contributing in helping people and their lives. In this Corporate Challenge it doesn’t matter who wins because the real winner is The hospice. “

Graham Parr explained to the guests the importance of the challenge. “The hospice needs to raise £4million per year, that equates to £11,000 a day we need to raise to run our services and provide the care. You as our Corporate Challengers make a massive impact on that.”

The twenty one businesses, all from different industries and of different sizes, are given four months to turn their £50 into as much as they possibly can to support patient care and the services the hospice run. Fundraising can include anything from cake sales, dress downs and much more. Many of the businesses have lots already planned to make their mark at the top of the Corporate Challenge leader board. But who will be the winner when the challenge ends in June?

Marisa Bannan, continued. “We are all very excited about the Corporate Challenge. It’s about having fun, working together and making a difference. With the events such as the Firewalk and the Sky Dive, I am really looking forward to what everyone does to help the hospice.”

She added, “At the breakfast launch, it was great to hear that everyone is raring to go and work together to make a difference. Many companies have so much planned already, and have already started with head shaves! There is so much more to come. We look forward to offering our full support to all taking part and good luck to everyone.”

To see some of the photographs from the launch, visit our Gallery page East Lancashire Hospice Corporate Challenge Launch 2023 (eastla­nc­shos­pice.­org.­uk)

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