East Lancashire Hospice

Mary runs the Marathon - update

Mary Ponfrett - London Marathon The London Marathon is only now a handful of days away. The months of training are complete. The foam rolling, massage therapy and nutrition adherence are about to be tested on the adrenaline pumping 26.2 mile course through the streets of London.

After I finished my travel packing this evening I took a reflective brisk 2 mile walk. The air was crisp, the sky cloudless and the sun starting to cast a rich orange glow to the sky. There was a lot to reflect upon on my walk. My mind drifted back six years ago to my late husband beginning his final slow fade and the assistance we were receiving from East Lancashire Hospice. To the flowers that were delivered on what was our 15th wedding anniversary with a card that had his name on it! To supportive friends who emotionally supported me through the most difficult time I have ever faced.

My thoughts came back to Sunday and how I have been gifted the opportunity to celebrate the wonderful work of East Lancashire Hospice. Nerves do have a way of kicking in and my stomach does start churning with them. I found a previous race report I wrote after completing the Berlin Marathon in 2009 and it was what I needed to read. I would like to share part of it here:

"There was a churning in my stomach when I counted the weeks left and the shortcomings of my training. Sensing my anxiety, my marathon running husband asked how I was feeling concerning the upcoming race. I explained my concerns and told him of the various physical niggles I was experiencing. He wisely suggested to me to go to Berlin and ENJOY the experience; to run to the best of my ability on the day and take it all in.

Hearing that was like writing me permission slip to go and do. I knew that I had a running base of 5 years, of 5 previous marathons and training, of determination, perseverance, and endurance. I would not be able to race this marathon due to my shorter training but I could run it, walk when I needed to, enjoy it, soak it in, and complete it. This is what I set my mind to do, for you see, I believe we run a marathon in our mind and transfer it to our feet. It’s the mind that pushes the body, that speaks to it in those exhausting “Why am I doing this??!!” moment or miles and shakes it into submission to keep on going for one more mile, one more kilometre, one more water station….just one more….”

I am taking those words with me of go and do and enjoy! It’s time to do just that. All is ready.

My prep is done, my bags are awaiting the train ride and I am ready to go and collect my medal. London awaits!!

Thank you all for your support of this adventure with your donations to East Lancashire Hospice, for your messages, and prayers. I run with you in my mind and heart. Thank  you sincerely!!

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