East Lancashire Hospice

Samantha Wins the Lottery

Samantha Doyle is proof that the best way to win the East Lancashire Hospice Lottery is to enter!

A paramedic from Blackburn, Samantha often attends the hospice with patients and had been meaning to enter the lottery for some weeks because she knows of the wonderful work we do.

“I had been thinking about it again before Christmas but just never got around to it.” She explained.

Following the hospice on Facebook finally pushed her to log on to the website and sign up on January 19th 2023. You can imagine her surprise when she won £1000 on the 24th January - just one week after signing up!

“When asked how the money will be spent she replied, “We are in the middle of moving so it is going towards the deposit for our new home.

“I’ve done other lotteries, but never really won much, so this was a fantastic surprise.”

She has now encouraged other family members to sign up. “I knew it was going directly to the hospice, and the fantastic work they do, but winning, and so quickly after signing up is surreal.”

She now has her eye on the rollover!

Gabrielle Williamson from East Lancashire Hospice commented; “For Samantha to join and win after just one week is incredible, but we are so pleased we are helping her fund her house move. The lottery is a way for our supporters to show their support with an added bonus of winning something back.”

To enter the lottery visit our website Lottery (eastla­nc­shos­pice.­org.­uk) or pick up a leaflet from one of our shops or from the hospice.

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