East Lancashire Hospice

The Art of Stimulating Conversations


East Lancashire Hospice are looking for groups of young people to participate in the Art of Stimulating Conversations Project from JANUARY 2018.

Talking about illness, death and bereavement is healthy.  Such conversations enhance choice and wellbeing and support us in expressing ourselves when we live through these events.  The use of the arts is an excellent method for expressing and stimulating thoughts, feelings and views about difficult topics in a non-threatening, gentle way.

We would like participants to use their creativity to produce art; paintings, photography, sculpture, poetry, short stories, film, drama, song etc. that relate to illness, death and bereavement in some way.  The results of their creativity will be exhibited during Dying Matters week (May 2018)

We will provide:

  • An interactive workshop that explains the aims of the project, explores society’s views on illness, death and bereavement and outlines the benefits of talking about these topics as part of everyday life.
  • A gift box of art supplies
  • Support visits during the project
  • Exhibition space

The impact of the 2017 project has been amazing!  We have successfully stimulated conversations about illness, death and bereavement. We have exhibited awesome art and made great mutually beneficial partnerships and despite initial anxiety, all participants found the project thought provoking, inspiring and reported that it opened up conversations in a supportive and gentle way.

PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS EXCITING INITITATIVE in 2018 contact Rachel Shovelton Rachel.shovelton@eastlancshospice.org.uk 01254 287030

Hospice UK recently featured an article on the project - to read more click the link: http://­www.­ehospice.­com/­uk/­ArticleView/­tabid/­10697/­ArticleId/­22831/­language/­en-GB­/View.aspx

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