East Lancashire Hospice

100 squats a day for East Lancs Hospice

We have been supporting Mel since July 2022, and from our initial visit she has been able to utilise many of the services we offer. 

One of her bucket list wishes was to learn how use a potter’s wheel, Our CAST (Creative & Support Therapy) team were able to grant this and Mel made two pots, that are glazed and now sit in her home.

Mel also accesses our Bathing Service and feels this helps her to be relatively pain free for a time, as well as benfitting from Complementary Therapy here at the hospice.  

In her own words, “It brings my mind into a zen like state, the hospice helps me have a quality life." She feels so passionately about the services we can offer her and cannot praise the hospice and staff enough.

The Hospice at Home Team and Health Care Assistants at Falcon Care provide round the clock  care on a regular basis to support Mel emotionally and to deliver personal care when required. 

Through using our services, Mel has now completed an Advanced Care Plan and those who are currently involved, know her wishes and these are in place to support Mel, which enables her to feel safe and secure in the knowledge that she is not alone and her wishes will be met. 

Mel loves the visits from the hospice team and has developed a very strong and trusting relationship with everyone, particularly the Health Care Assistants and staff at Falcon Care, who do not only provide her with the right level of care, but also support her wellbeing.

She is now fundraising for the hospice, which is a beautiful way for her to thank us for being a part of her journey and we could not be more proud of her.  We are cheering her along in her progress each day.

Mel is doing 100 Squats per day along with Marie from Falcon Care throughout February, please follow and donate through her Just Giving Page 

Well Done Mel !!!!!

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