East Lancashire Hospice

Hospice Care Week 2019

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311 kind-hearted volunteers, 33 committed full-time staff, 78 dedicated part-time staff, countless supporters in the community and copious cups of tea - this is just some of what it takes for East Lancashire to help those with life-limiting illnesses, support families in a time of need and provide end of life care for people across Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley.

And this is a fraction of what is needed for the hospice to fund its vital care every year. For example: East Lancashire Hospice has 7 shops, 1 warehouse, an annual corporate challenge, 2 fun runs, 3 charity walks, a yearly ball, and much, much more! In the last financial year over 46% of the hospice’s income came from fundraising, the hospice lottery, donations, shops, merchandise and catering.

East Lancashire Hospice is one of more than 200 charitable hospices across the UK taking part in Hospice Care Week (7-13 October), led by the national hospice and end of life care charity Hospice UK.

This year the theme ‘This is What It Takes’ will be highlighting that while hospice care is provided free for people with life-limiting conditions and their families it is not cheap and takes a lot of skills and people and resources.


Hospice care is about much more than medical care as hospices provide a wide range of services including: wellbeing therapies such as massage and reflexology, bereavement counselling, befriending and hospice care at home.


It means that hospices depend on the contribution of many other people such as: cleaners, cooks, therapists, shop staff, gardeners, as well as countless dedicated volunteers.

Hospices receive some funding from the NHS but they have to raise on average two thirds of their income themselves and rely heavily on the generous support of their local communities, including from companies, donors and hospice fundraising supporters.

A Furry Friend

This year, many charitable hospices are facing considerable financial challenges, so the support they receive from the public is more important than ever before.


As a charity needing to raise £3.7 million a year, East Lancashire Hospice relies on the amazing generosity of local people and businesses in the local area who give their time and money to ensure that the hospice can continue to care for patients and their families. This year the hospice celebrates their 35th anniversary.


Lucinda Bury, Fundraising and Marketing Assistant from East Lancashire Hospice said: “We wouldn’t be able to care for people in the way that we do without the incredible team at our hospice. Everyone from volunteers to housekeepers, to doctors and nurses, therapists, chefs, fundraisers and all the office staff…it really is a team effort! Plus, we couldn't continue to provide our services without the generosity of all our wonderful supporters.”

creative support therapy HCW

Tracey Bleakley, Chief Executive of national hospice and end of life care charity Hospice UK, said:

“Hospices provide incredible care and improve the lives of so many people with life-limiting conditions and their loved ones. During Hospice Care Week, we’d like to give a big shout out to everyone involved in making this happen for over 200,000 families every single year and show just what it takes. 

“We want to give people a ‘behind the scenes’ glimpse of the sheer diversity of people and resources that goes into the compassionate care provided to people at the end of their lives and why hospices are truly at the heart of their communities.

“We hope that in Hospice Care Week people will be inspired to support their local hospice in different ways; whether by donating, volunteering or helping to spread the word about hospice care on social media.

“This year is proving to be really tough for the hospice sector on several fronts, whether related to fundraising or recruitment challenges, so it has never been more important for people to support their local hospice.”

Each year hospices care for than 200,000 people with terminal and life-limiting conditions and also provide bereavement support for more than 40,000 families.

There are lots of ways to get involved to raise funds for the hospice – and have fun! Organise your own fundraising event, or take part in one of the events listed on our website https://­eastla­nc­shos­pice.­org.­uk/­events. You could also help us to celebrate their 35 years by making a one-off donation of £35 which can be done by clicking the donate button on their website, by sending a cheque payable to East Lancashire Hospice or by calling 01254 287014.

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