East Lancashire Hospice

Created with Love

Brian Clarke has strong links with East Lancashire Hospice. After his wife Margaret Clarke used the services in 2014 his family have worked tirelessly to raise money for the hospice.

Not to be outdone by his sons David and Allan, who have raised over £18,000 through their intense challenges such as the Welsh 3000, Brian has decided to support us using his hobby to create wood sculptures and has donated them to the hospice.

“The wood sculptures are made from oak, donated to me from different friends and sources. When I get the wood, I am not sure that they will become, it is a natural process.”

It takes Brian time to create each item and he spends hours creating each of these masterpieces. It may be a hobby but Brian clearly has a talent and loves what he does. “Each piece is very special to me. I take a lot of pleasure out of creating them.” He has donated a number of pieces to the hospice in order to raise money.

Brian used the bereavement services after his wife died and found the service invaluable. “I took up the services around 6 months after my wife passed. I would arrive early, a good thirty minutes in advance of my appointment, so I could just wait in reception. The area was so calm. It truly helped.

“One day a nurse walked passed and smiled. She then stopped and said hello. I was astonished because she remembered my name and my wife’s name, even though it had been six months and she must surely have met many other families, dealt with many other patients in that time.

“I meant so much to me that she knew me.

“That’s why we want to continue to help the hospice. That’s how you have made a difference to us as a family.”

Brian is still clearly moved by the care his wife and the family received, and the wood sculptures show a man who can create beautiful items.

Formerly employed at Whitbreads as a fitter, he volunteered before Covid at our warehouse. He is unable to offer that kind of support anymore, so is offering his sculptures in support of the hospice.

Gabrielle Williamson, marketing coordinator spoke with Brian and his son David who brought him in for a chat. “The sculptures are beautiful and clearly show love and care has gone into each item. We shall endeavour to find homes for each one, as each piece deserves special attention. We are always in awe people like Brian and are reassured that we are doing the right thing when we hear such memories such stories.”

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