East Lancashire Hospice

Awards for East Lancashire Hospice


East Lancashire Hospice Inpatient Unit is staffed by a dedicated team of nurses, doctors and health care professionals who always go above and beyond for the patients in their care.

But now that has been recognised with not one, not two, but three nominations which resulted in two awards for the team.

Sarah Drachenberg, Head of Inpatient Unit was amongst those on the unit to be pleasantly pleased to receive a number of certificates through the post. The hospice supports students from the University of Lancashire through their Nursing degree, and usually have two to three students who are on placement on the unit as part of their programme of study. This rolling programme means students are with the Inpatient Unit for a number of weeks before moving on to another area of care within the UCLan catchment area.

The present nursing cohort, which runs from 2019 to 2022 are now coming to the end of their studies, and are the students who have nominated the East Lancashire Hospice for a number of awards.

Included in the certificates is

·         Placement of the Year

·         Mentor of the Year for staff nurse Hannah Sonvadi


·         Nomination for the Most Supportive Staff member for Michael Brooker-Carey.

Sarah, who joined the Unit in March 2022 is not aware if the Unit has ever been nominated before, and is pleased with the recognition. “It has been an immense challenge to meet the students’ needs when Covid is still massively impacting the delivery of care, and it is wonderful to see individual team members being recognised for their input into the teaching and learning of our nursing students.”

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