CAST Our Way
Elloise Cook works in our CAST Creative and Support Therapy team which provide a range of holistic therapeutic activities and programmes to help improve patients feeling of wellbeing.
She started in October 2021 as a creative and support therapist and jumped at the chance to work in the therapy environment. Her degree is in Fine Art and the post allows her to express her artistic side with the patients who attend each day.
It has also allowed her to develop her talents. Amongst some of the skills she has learned whilst supporting patients, she can include working in the clay sessions, the cooking and baking sessions, singing sessions and the sewing sessions. She has developed her crocheting skills but admits she can’t get her head around knitting.
Elloise feels CAST not only allows patients to create a physical representation of the way they are feeling but offers additional levels of benefits.
“It’s a way to channel their emotions. It allows them to forget about their condition, acknowledge their situation, discuss their illness with other patients experiencing similar emotions and circumstances, and to make friends with the beautiful people using the services.”
Many people find, and research shows, that when they engage in meaningful and purposeful tasks, they become emerged in that moment and can feel in control.
Elloise continued to explain that her role is to support patients when they attend one of the sessions on offer. “It’s a sociable environment; some arrive with skills and knowledge that they share with others or need my input, whilst others need to express themselves. My role is different with each patient. No two patients are the same.”
She also highlighted the fact that the Hospice offers more than end of life care.
“It’s not just palliative care in CAST, you’re taking patients on a journey for days, months, years. You meet their families and they give you an insight into their worlds.
It’s a lovely job to have.”
Elloise had always wanted to work in creative and support therapy, but the pandemic put it on hold for two years; the Hospice could not offer its day services during that time, however the minute she saw the job advertised, she jumped at the chance.
“My mother, Sarah Sutton used the Hospice facilities, particularly the Reiki physical therapy services when she had cancer. She’s been in remission for six years now and is doing well, but I used to drop her off and pick her up. I felt then like we weren’t really allowed in, that visiting the Hospice is only for very ill people, but with Café Retreat which is open to the public and the lovely reception area, more people should visit; I don’t think people should be scared of stepping inside.”
For more information on the services available to patients, visit our website. You can contact us directly or through your hospital doctor, GP, district nurse, specialist nurse or any other health or social care provider involved in your care.
To speak to someone regarding our Creative and Support Therapy programme and activities please call 01254 287005.