East Lancashire Hospice

Compleat Food Festival Raises Funds


The Compleat Food Group were not just representing their fantastic food at the Annual Clitheroe Food Festival this year, but also Carole Ellis, grandmother of their Human Resources Manager Laura Chadwick.

“My grandmother was ill and during the festival she was receiving care from Hospice At Home - the service offered by East Lancashire Hospice which allows patients to remain at home rather than in a hospital environment. We were grateful that my Grandma could stay at home - we live just a few doors from her and the hospice supporting her care at home meant that we were all close by.

“This was why we decided to ask for donations to the Hospice whilst at the Food Festival and managed to raise a fantastic £1700 during the event, even though the festival only lasted one day on Saturday 30th July.”

Sadly Carole passed away at home on the 5th August, but not before the Food Group won the “Best Festival Display” which was presented to them by the Mayor on the day. The family-focused festival allowed The Compleat Food Group to share their innovative produce, although Laura confessed she suspected they won the award because they were supporting East Lancashire Hospice.

Carole’s funeral was held at St Leonards in Langho on August 16th and the family have asked for all donations to be made to the hospice in her memory.

Jackie Morris, who received the cheque from Laura Chadwick thanked The Compleat Food Group for their generosity. “The East Lancashire Hospice needs to raise £4 million a year to maintain services, which includes specialist care for those who wish to remain at home. It is thanks to the generosity and thoughtfulness of companies and individuals like The Compleat Food Group, and Laura, that we can care for patients in the manner best suited to their needs.”

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