East Lancashire Hospice

East Lancashire Hospice are seeking local businesses to be at the top of their leader board

Are you a local business who wants to do something amazing for your local community?

Ram And Marisa Launch pciture 2022

We are seeking companies within Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley to take part in our 5th Corporate Challenge, due to start in 2023.

The Corporate Challenge is one of our biggest fundraising events and involves local businesses each raising as much as they possibly can within a 4 month period. The challenge was first started in 2017 and has grown every year. This year it saw 18 businesses taking part and collectively raising £60,000 for patient care.

Thanks to Blackburn based I.T Company, Nybble Solutions, who have once again agreed to sponsor the challenge, each participating business will be given £50 to start their fundraising efforts. Each business will then have 4 months to turn this into as much as they possibly can.

Fundraising suggestions include dress down days, bake sales, raffles, gala evenings, enter into our weekly lottery, or even taking part in the hospice event calendar. No fundraising initiative is too big or too small.

The Corporate Challenge has many benefits for participating companies including; publicity via business profiles on the hospice website, regular exposure across the many hospice social media platforms, networking opportunities with otherbusinesses taking part, as well as team building and achieving your Corporate Social Responsibility.­  Full support is also provided by the hospice fundraising team and all money raised will help us to  continue providing outstanding care for local people and support patients and their families to make the most of life.

If you are one of those businesses who are looking to do more for your local community, then this is the answer! We already have seen a great uptake for next year’s Corporate Challenge, with the launch taking place at the hospice on Monday 20th March and finishing on Friday 23rd June 2023. All companies will receive full support from the hospice fundraising team, as well as a half way meet up at the end of April, and an opportunity to celebrate all businesses taking part with an awards evening in July 2023.  

Ram Gupta, Managing Director of Nybble Solutions said, “East Lancashire Hospice is a charity that is extremely close to the community’s heart. Even if you have not used or come into contact with the hospice, someone you know will have. The services they provide are absolutely outstanding and although they are free for patients and families to access, it costs the hospice £4million a year to run, which is £11,000 a day!

This is why I love supporting them, they go above and beyond for their patients and by sponsoring the Corporate Challenge and working with likeminded businesses on their fundraising, I know the money raised goes directly into the services needed. Last year we collectively raised £60,000 for the hospice, which equates to just over 5 days of running all of the services. In 2023, we would love to have more companies generating more income for the hospice and as a past Corporate Challenge winner, I can reassure all those business owners thinking of taking part to do it! The benefits you get back as a business is fantastic and knowing how you are supporting the community is a huge benefit.”

Marisa Bannan, Corporate Fundraiser for East Lancashire Hospice finished by saying, “The Corporate Challenge is such a special event in our calendar, it shows how local businesses come together for a one reason – to support local people and the local community. 2022’s Corporate Challenge was a great success and even after the challenge finished, companies have still been passing business to each other. We urge all companies thinking of taking part to contact us to find out more about the hospice, and even come in to have a look around and see exactly where the money raised will go.”

If you are interested in taking part in the East Lancashire Hospice Corporate Challenge and supporting your local hospice, get in touch today – marisa.bannan@eastlancshospice.org.uk or call 01254 965874, alternatively sign up here!

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