East Lancashire Hospice

Emma's update on Race to the Stones

Race to the king

Emma Brodie, Head of Community Speacialist Services here at the hospice, has been training for her epic trek Race to the Stones. This is 100km in total and she hopes to complete it in around 23-26 hours!

Last weekend, to prepare for the event, she completed Race to the King, which 50km. Race to the king is in Sussex and is so called because Winchester Cathedral was the burial place of the first kings.

Emma has been updating us with her training;

Emma's blister kit "June is the month where my training walks take over my free time, walking 8-10 hours at a time at the weekends and shorter walks most nights. It is also time to prepare my kit, particularly my foot care kit.  What I don’t know about blister prevention isn’t worth knowing! 

I have now been at the hospice for 10 weeks and enjoy coming to work every day, It is inspiring to see the way staff in all departments go above and beyond to support patients and families during their most vulnerable times. The community teams I oversee include counsellors, physio, complementary therapies and clinical nurse specialists and they work together to provide wrap around care where it is needed, for those patients who have life limiting illnesses or are coping with bereavement.

Because of how passionate the whole team at the hospice are, I am proud to be raising money for them. " 

If you would like to support Emma with her challenge, please donate here -  https://­www.­justgiving.­com/­fundraising/­emma-brodie2?utm_­source=­Sharethis&­utm_­medium=­fundraising&­utm_­content=­emma-brodie2&­utm_­campaign=­pfp-email&­utm_­term=­c33ca07c3­1df470­4ba8d6­e1e7353be67 

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