East Lancashire Hospice

Jumping for Fun

Hannah Tweddle from Clitheroe has been a long term supporter of East Lancashire Hospice sinceHannah Tweddle 2018. Now the Assistant Manager of the Spread Eagle in Sawley is getting ready to jump out of a plane to raise even more, and is completing our Sky Dive on 18th June 2023.

“My grandfather Stuart Crowther used the hospice services after he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He spent around two weeks in the hospice where he was cared for. He passed away on Valentine’s Day 2018. They looked after him so well, it was natural for us a family to raise as much as we could.”

The family have completed a number of challenges in memory of their wonderful grandfather. “We have completed three legged fun pub crawls, head-shaves, and organised fun days, all in his memory.”

And now Hannah, 25 is ready to jump out of a plane for the hospice.


Yes, Hannah has done this once already - even though the first time, she had never even been in a plane. “I wanted to do this again as last time, five years ago, I was so nervous about flying, I didn’t get to think about the actual jump.”

Now she has the support of all her regulars at the Spread Eagle. “They have been incredible and are keen for me to raise as much as possible.”

Hannah herself has raised over £500 in the past, and is keen to make as much again. “We need as many people as possible to know that the hospice is here for them. The people in Clitheroe don’t always know East Lancashire Hospice is their hospice, and they don’t know how wonderful it is.”

To support Hannah, visit her just giving page on hannah tweddle is fundraising for The East Lancashire Hospice (justgiving.­com)

Want to register for the Sky Dive? Visit Sky Dive 2023 (eastla­nc­shos­pice.­org.­uk)

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