East Lancashire Hospice

£60k raised for East Lancashire Hospice

Back in May 2022, East Lancashire Hospice welcomed eighteen local businesses who all pledged to raise as much as they can for the local charity, as part of the charities Corporate Challenge. This ran from April – August, with the final awards evening being held at Mytton Fold on Friday 14th October 2022.

Thanks to the headline sponsor of the challenge, Blackburn based company and longstanding supporters of East Lancashire Hospice, Nybble, each company was given £50 to kick start their fundraising efforts.

All the companies involved used this opportunity to network with one another, engage with the local community and most importantly support a charity so close to many people’s hearts. Fundraising included; cake sales, marathons, walks, golf days, sky dives, raffles and much more.

Leanne Green, Head of Fundraising and Marketing at East Lancashire Hospice said, “The past fourELH_CCA_2022-132_small months have been incredible for the hospice, with all the companies involved in the challenge really making the most of it. It was great to attend sold out events, hear about teams conquering their fears whilst raising money and also how being part of the Corporate Challenge has made a lasting positive impact on the companies involved.”  

On Friday 14th October 2022, East Lancashire Hospice invited all the companies involved to the final awards evening. This event was held at Mytton Fold, Lango and was hosted by local DJs and compares; Paul Winstanley and Olly Houldsworth. Categories for the awards included; Daredevil, determination, community spirit, team work and not forgetting the overall winners of the Corporate Challenge 2022.

Steve Almond, whose wife was cared for by the hospice, was chosen as this year’s ambassador for the Corporate Challenge. On the night he spoke about the importance of companies raising money for East Lancashire Hospice, “The real beauty of the Corporate Challenge is that it creates some friendly competition between local businesses. The leader board sits at the heart of the challenge and makes a great motivational tool and it’s been fun to see the business names jockeying for position throughout the challenge. In effect, all businesses who took part this year have played their part in raising a phenomenal amount for an amazing charity. The real winner is the people who are cared for so incredibly well by the staff and volunteers of East Lancashire Hospice.” 

ELH_CCA_2022-287_smallThe Corporate Challenge overall raised £60,000 for East Lancashire Hospice with the overall winners raising over £20,000 – Northcote Manor. Their fundraising included; a summer bbq, staff family fun day, a once in a life time raffle for their Obsession23 and asking their generous customers for donations. Northcote Manor dedicated their award to a loving friend and staff member of the company, Paula, who sadly died earlier this year and was cared for by East Lancashire Hospice for a short period of time.

In second place was Darwen based company, Pendle Doors and third place was Slimming World. Both raising over £8,000 each for the local charity.

Ram Gupta, Managing Director of Nybble, commented, “As a business who locates in Blackburn, we need to support the causes that improve the environment we operate in. The Corporate Challenge, as the name suggests, gives local businesses the opportunity to get involved, get competitive and raise lots of money for East Lancashire Hospice. It’s fun, engaging and definitely pushes your comfort zones, as well as brining your team together towards a common purpose, which is to look after the people at the end moments of their lives.”

He continues, “From the first time I stepped into the hospice, I knew this was a charity I wanted to be behind every step of the way and my team at Nybble do all we can to make sure we are a company who the hospice know they can rely on. Knowing the Corporate Challenge has made such a positive impact on our community and the services the hospice offers, we are proud to know we helped play our part in this.”

Nybble have also signed themselves up as the sponsors for next year’s Corporate Challenge, which will launch in April 2023 and finish in July 2023. If your company would like to get involved in next year’s corporate fundraising opportunity and seek the benefits the eighteen companies have this year, please contact Leanne Green – 01254 965874 / Leanne.green1@eastlancshospice.org.uk

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