East Lancashire Hospice

Hospice at Home in Barrow

Jack and Joyce who live in Barrow use the East Lancashire Hospice at Home services, and chatted about the impact their support has on them.

Jack’s vascular dementia came out of the blue for Joyce. She described the repercussions these sudden changes had on them both. “The disease changes their personality, and I was trying to source private help as I had no idea what was available, and how to care for Jack.

“A lady at my local chapel who was a District Nurse, suggested a hospice might offer day support - somewhere we could go together - and that was when I discovered I came under East Lancashire Hospice care. Living in Barrow, I wasn’t aware East Lancashire Hospice would be able to help me.

“I called them up, and after a chat with the staff, they redirected me, not to the day services such as CaST (Creative and Support Therapy) but to Hospice at Home.

“That was such a blessing.”

“I don’t know what I would have done without Hospice At Home. Life was becoming more and more difficult until I realised they could support me.

“One of the carers sometimes starts tea for me and another even hoovers up, so they are not just supporting Jack, but me as well.

“They stay with Jack at night so that I can sleep. They visit at least 2 nights, sometimes 4 nights a week, which means I can get some rest. I wasn’t sleeping at all at night before.”

Jack is affable and friendly, tootling around the room as Joyce chatted. Formerly an Aerospace Engineer at Lucas in Burnley, he also worked as a consultant. At 80 he looks fit and healthy, despite having also had a stroke.

“I know I can ring East Lancashire Hospice and ask for additional support. They always make time for me – for each patient. The office staff are always happy to give me a few hours to go shopping or to take a break. Sometimes they will ring and let me know if they have a carer available unexpectedly. It is clear some thought is given to the timetable, especially as they are offering this level of care to so many, and that they are there not just for the patients, but their family as well.”

Joyce wanted to take this opportunity to thank those who support East Lancashire Hospice through donations, supporting events and fundraising activities, “Without them, East Lancashire Hospice would not be there for me.”

Leanne Green, Head of Fundraising and Marketing repeated those thanks. “We would like to thank all of our donors for their continued support. Thanks to you, Joyce knows we are always there for her.”

Hospice at Home allows the Hospice to provide support to help improve quality of life, build independence and confidence and offer a feeling of wellbeing and control for carers and patients in the community. The hospice support up to a hundred people within the community and that is thanks to donations from supporters.

If you would like to support patients like Joyce, please donate to East Lancashire Hospice on Donate (eastla­nc­shos­pice.­org.­uk)

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