East Lancashire Hospice

Graham Helm

Graham Helm

Graham Helm - Supporter 

Graham Helm’s journey with the hospice began in 2014 when his wife, Paula, was admitted to East Lancashire Hospice for pain management. Paula spent her final weeks at the hospice, and the compassionate care she received left a profound impact on Graham. 

Since then, Graham has dedicated himself to supporting the hospice in various ways. He has organised fundraising dinners and two sold-out concerts at the Bridgewater Hall, raising over £50,000. Graham has also represented the hospice at corporate events, sharing his personal journey and the vital role the hospice plays in the community. A cherished tradition that Graham initiated is having the Rossendale 2nd Scout brass band play at the hospice every Christmas Eve for the patients. Additionally, he is a regular attendee at the hospice’s annual ball. 

A key moment in Graham's support was organising the Bridgewater Hall concerts. The highlight of the first concert was when hospice patients joined the stage to sing, surprising and touching the audience profoundly. 

Graham is immensely proud to support East Lancashire Hospice. The hospice’s commitment to being accessible to all, especially during the most challenging times, is something he deeply values. 

In Graham’s words, "The people who make the hospice what it is, from staff and volunteers, create a calm setting where passionate care is second to none." His love for the hospice is evident in his unwavering dedication and support