East Lancashire Hospice

Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones - Physi­ot­he­rapist 

Rachel Jones, a dedicated Physi­ot­he­rapist, has been an integral part of East Lancashire Hospice for the past five years. 

Throughout her time at East Lancashire Hospice, Rachel's role as a Physiotherapist has been varied based on the hospice's and patients' needs. Her key respon­sibi­lities include offering specialised Physiotherapy across various hospice services, supporting staff wellbeing and the introduction of Sound Baths. 

Rachel’s proudest moments at East Lancashire Hospice include raising funds for the hospice by taking a dip in cold water during the winter months. Reflecting on her time at the hospice, Rachel cherishes the friendships and laughter shared with her colleagues in CaST, the rehabilitation progress of her patients, and witnessing the exceptional care provided by nursing and healthcare assistants, which profoundly impacts patients and their families. 

Personally, working at East Lancashire Hospice has helped Rachel keep life in perspective, making her grateful for her family and friends. Professionally, she feels fortunate to support individuals with life-limiting conditions and aims to raise the profile of Palliative care within the Physiotherapy community. 

Being selected as one of the 40 faces for the hospice’s 40th-anniversary book is a humbling honour for Rachel. She feels privileged to work as a Physiotherapist at East Lancashire Hospice and deeply values the community that makes the hospice special.