East Lancashire Hospice

Nadia Coupe

Nadia Coupe

Nadia Coupe - Senior Staff Nurse Inpatient Unit 

Nadia Coupe, a Senior Staff Nurse on the Inpatient Unit has devoted a decade to East Lancashire Hospice caring for patients on the Inpatient Unit. 

Nadia began her journey as a staff nurse, quickly progressing to the role of senior staff nurse due to her commitment to patient care. Her dedication extends beyond her professional duties, highlighted by her incredible fundraising efforts. 

Nadia completed the London Marathon, raising funds for the hospice by conquering the gruelling 26.2-mile challenge. Her journey was not without obstacles. Early in her training, she suffered from a blister that led to cellulitis and a twisted knee ligament. These injuries sidelined her for four weeks, disrupting her training plan. However, Nadia’s determination never wavered. As soon as she healed, she laced up her running shoes and resumed her training, embodying the resilience she brings to her role at the hospice. 

Nadia’s story is one of dedication, resilience, and a deep commitment to the wellbeing of the patients at East Lancashire Hospice. Her professional growth from staff nurse to senior staff nurse and her personal achievements, such as completing the London Marathon, highlight her as a pivotal figure in the hospice’s history. Her unwavering spirit and commitment to both her patients and the hospice’s mission make her one of the 40 faces that truly define East Lancashire Hospice’s legacy.