East Lancashire Hospice

Laura Isherwood

Laura Isherwood

Laura Isherwood - Volunteer 

Laura Isherwood, a Volunteer at East Lancashire Hospice started her journey 24 years ago and has been a vital member of the team ever since. 

Laura’s journey began as a Day Patient in the hospice’s Day Therapy program. This personal connection inspired her to volunteer, starting as a receptionist. 

Over the years Laura has volunteered for a range of different services within the hospice. From home-sitting in the community; providing respite for families, to leading a newly diagnosed breast care group; sharing her own experiences with breast cancer to support others. Her respon­sibi­lities expanded into fundraising, managing events, and coordinating a significant volunteer team for fundraising activities.­ 

Among her proudest moments are the Star Wars Fan Fun Days, where she ran the Tombola, and receiving a Volunteer Award at the League of Mercy Foundation Awards at Mansion House in London. The wonderful array of people at the hospice has made her volunteering journey so easy and special. 

Reflecting on her time at the hospice, Laura recalls the rewarding experience of organising and participating in fundraising events, particularly the impactful M&S bag-packing efforts. 

For Laura, volunteering doesn’t feel like a job but a fulfilling lifestyle. The hospice has profoundly impacted her life, blending her personal and professional experiences into a positive, seamless journey. She has witnessed the hospice’s growth in services and community involvement, envisioning even greater outreach and support in the future. 

Laura believes East Lancashire Hospice’s individualised care sets it apart from other healthcare institutions. Each patient receives personalised attention, creating a unique and compassionate environment. 

Being selected as one of the 40 faces is a significant honour for Laura. It connects her deeply to her initial experiences as a patient and her long supporter journey as a volunteer. East Lancashire Hospice remains close to her heart, embodying an ongoing, amazing experience that she cherishes dearly.