East Lancashire Hospice

Penny Berisford

Penny Berisford

Penny Berisford - Clinical Admin Assistant 

Penny Berisford’s journey with East Lancashire Hospice began in September 2018 when, after a 32-year career in the Civil Service, she sought a meaningful way to spend her newfound free time. 

As a seasoned volunteer supporting women with breast cancer, she understood the invaluable role of volunteers and chose to offer her services to the hospice as a receptionist. By May 2019, a vacancy in the General Admin department led her to transition from volunteer to employee. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Penny retrained and became part of the Clinical Admin Team, a role she continues to excel in. Her respon­sibi­lities expanded to include coordinating education and training programs, supporting trainers with course preparations, and mentoring new staff members. Additionally, she trained as a Mental Health First Aider and Wellbeing Champion, further supporting her colleagues.­ 

One of Penny’s proudest achievements is receiving one of the first ‘Shine a Light’ awards. Her dedication and passion for her work are evident in her enthusiasm towards the hospice. Significant memories include the collective effort during the pandemic to keep the hospice operational and the unwavering support from the local community. 

Working at the hospice has profoundly impacted Penny, both personally and professionally. She has gained new skills in the medical field and actively promotes hospice services outside of work. Her involvement in fundraising activities, such as the Pub Walk and Moonlight Walks, highlights her commitment to the cause. 

Penny’s passion for the hospice, the supportive environment, and the positive experiences of service users make her work incredibly rewarding.