East Lancashire Hospice

Ann Dobson

Ann Dobson

Ann Dobson - Volunteer 

Ann Dobson, a volunteer and patient, has played a huge part in the growth of East Lancashire Hospice over the last 10 years. 

Ann originally found solace in the hospice's Creative and Support Therapy sessions CaST after her fifth cancer diagnosis. Despite initial reservations, she embraced counselling and creative therapy, discovering newfound strength and friendship among peers facing similar challenges. 

Her boundless energy and love for people shines through her involvement in various hospice activities, including organising the 'Dare to Bare' calendar project in 2019, which later evolved into the 'Hospice Hunks' calendar. Ann is often found volunteering in CaST and is heavily involved in the Christmas arts and crafts projects for the annual Christmas Fayre. 

Ann is the brains behind the annual Christmas Tree Collection; a project which she led alongside the fundraising team in 2021 raising an impressive £2,807. Her dedication to East Lancashire Hospice is unwavering, driven by gratitude for the sanctuary it provided during her darkest moments. 

"The hospice is my tree of light," she says, "that guided me through my darkest journey." Her tireless efforts ensure that others facing similar challenges can find hope and support, making her a cherished figure in the hospice community. 

Ann Dobson's legacy at East Lancashire Hospice is one of compassion, resilience, and unwavering dedication, embodying the spirit of giving back and making a difference in the lives of others.