East Lancashire Hospice

Graham Parr

Graham Parr

Graham Parr  - Chairman Board of Trustees 


Graham Parr, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, has been a cornerstone of East Lancashire Hospice since the very beginning. 

His journey with the hospice began in 1981 when Dr. Merton Seigleman approached him with a vision for a hospice in East Lancashire. At the time, Graham was the Estates Director for the local Health Authority. He led the development team to build the original 10-bed hospice unit on the site of the former Park Lee Hospital and in 1983 Dr. Seiglemen laid the hospice foundation stone bringing the reality of the hospice to life 

In January 2002, Graham played a pivotal role in the extension of the hospice, which included a new Day Service facility, entrance, reception area, offices, and meeting rooms. Witnessing the daily dedication of staff and volunteers, he developed a deep passion and commitment to ensuring the hospice continued its exceptional care. 

One significant evolution during his tenure has been the expansion of hospice care into the community, offering patients and families the option to receive care at home through the Hospice at Home Service. This community-centered approach sets East Lancashire Hospice apart, providing care in a homely setting rather than a clinical one. Graham fondly recalls the ethos of having no rigid rules, fostering a welcoming and flexible environment. 

Graham’s leadership and vision have been instrumental in shaping the hospice into the compassionate, community-centered organisation it is today. From spearheading the development of the original facility to overseeing key expansions and innovations, Graham's commitment has touched countless lives. 

“East Lancashire Hospice is not just a place of sadness; it’s also a place of fun and enjoyment, where laughter and joy are as much a part of the experience as the compassionate care provided,” says Graham.