East Lancashire Hospice

Carol Evans

Carol Evans

Carol Evans - Clinical Services Director 

Carol Evans, the Clinical Services Director, has been a dedicated part of East Lancashire Hospice since May 2013. 

Her journey to East Lancashire Hospice started in the NHS, where she held various clinical and leadership roles. Although initially not connected to the hospice, the glowing feedback from patients and families about the care at East Lancashire Hospice inspired her transition. 

Carol began at East Lancashire Hospice as Head of the Inpatient Unit and quickly moved up to her current role. She oversees operational management, ensuring compliance with CQC standards, and supports both clinical and non-clinical teams. 

Carol’s proudest moments come from the daily dedication of hospice teams. She cherishes the small, meaningful actions that significantly impact patients and families. A memorable early experience was witnessing the joy and warmth among patients, families, and staff, a hallmark of the hospice's atmosphere. 

Personally and professionally, East Lancashire Hospice has been transformative for Carol. The move from the NHS to the hospice environment has been humbling and filled with growth. She values the resilience of patients and their families, which profoundly influences her outlook on life and work. 

Over the years, Carol has seen East Lancashire Hospice evolve, embracing new opportunities to enhance services and adapt to changing needs. The hospice’s response to challenges, like the pandemic, and its focus on sustainable growth and collaboration have been crucial. She envisions further community service expansion and continued emphasis on patient well-being and hospital admission avoidance. 

What sets East Lancashire Hospice apart, according to Carol, is the unwavering commitment of its people. The hospice's environment is characterised by humour, compassion, and a genuine desire to make a difference. 

Being selected as one of the 40 faces for the hospice’s 40th anniversary book is a significant honour for Carol, reflecting her deep connection and contributions to the hospice.