East Lancashire Hospice

Leanne Green

Leanne Green

Leanne Green - Head of Fundraising 

Leanne Green's journey with East Lancashire Hospice began in 2013 when she approached the hospice for a university placement as part of her Events Management degree. 

Since joining the hospice, Leanne's role has evolved significantly. Her dedication and passion for the hospice's mission quickly became evident, and as such has been reflected in her role, originally as a Fundraiser, then progressing to an Events Fundraiser, followed by Fundraising & Lottery Team Leader, and now managing the fundraising department as Head of Fundraising. 

One of Leanne's proudest achievements is reaching the position of Head of Fundraising, a role she aspired to from the start, inspired by her predecessor. Additionally, being a finalist for the Freshies Awards as an Empowering Employee was a significant milestone. 

With her strong connections to numerous individuals and businesses, Leanne embodies the spirit of fundraising. Her role extends beyond mere logistics; she brings a heartfelt dedication that resonates with everyone she meets. Her passion for the hospice and its mission is evident in everything she does. She has become a beloved figure within the community and throughout the hospice, and is known for her tireless efforts and unwavering commitment. 

Over the years, Leanne has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for the hospice and is a phenomenal fundraiser. When asked what she loves about East Lancashire Hospice, Leanne replied; 

"I love how everyone is so caring and proud to work for East Lancashire Hospice. We are one team, and that is shown every day. I am proud to be associated with the hospice, and I’ve made some amazing connections with both new and existing supporters over the years. East Lancashire Hospice will always hold a special place in my heart.”