East Lancashire Hospice

Lyn Stevenson

Lyn Stevenson

Lyn Stevenson - CEO 2008 - 2022 

Lyn Stevenson, who served as the CEO between 2008 to 2022 was involved with East Lancashire Hospice for over two decades and has been instrumental in the growth and development of the hospice. 

Before the hospice gained independence in 2008, it was managed under the NHS as part of their palliative care services across East Lancashire. Lyn who worked alongside Audrey Platt, the chair at the time, worked tirelessly for two years and as a result, the hospice achieved independence. 

This transformation required establishing a governance structure and securing financial independence, focusing on patient care above all else. Initially, the hospice had minimal resources and the contributions made by Lyn and her team have seen the hospice evolve into the incredible organisation it is today. 

Lyn’s passion and leadership were pivotal in shifting the focus from organisational needs to patient needs, which involved creating a strategy centred on governance and finance. 

One of Lyn’s proudest achievements was seeing the hospice awarded an ‘Outstanding’ rating by the CQC in 2016. This success was a testament to the dedicated staff who always put patients at the heart of their work. 

Even during challenging times, such as the 18-month renovation period when patients were moved to a ward in Rossendale, the team’s commitment never wavered. Volunteers ran a ‘hospice bus’ to transport patients and their families to and from the ward showcasing the community’s unwavering support. 

Lyn reflects on her time at the hospice as the most rewarding job of her career. Personally, she considers East Lancashire Hospice her second home. The holistic approach and the strong sense of team spirit, where every role is valued equally, set the hospice apart from other healthcare institutions. Lyn believes the ability to see and directly impact patients' lives brings immense job satisfaction, making those who work at the hospice feel privileged.