East Lancashire Hospice

Jackie Morris

Jackie Morris

Jackie Morris - Community Fundraiser 

Jackie Morris is a pivotal member of the fundraising team at East Lancashire Hospice, making a significant impact in the local community. 

With her strong connections to numerous individuals and businesses, Jackie embodies the spirit of community engagement. She plays a crucial role in assisting with various fundraising efforts, whether it’s dropping off collection buckets, picking up donations, organising community volunteers, helping out at hospice events, visiting local schools and businesses for cheque presentations or managing numerous other tasks essential to the hospice’s operations. 

Jackie began her journey with East Lancashire Hospice in October 2021 as a Fundraising Assistant under the management of Leanne Green. Her dedication and passion for the hospice's mission quickly became evident, and she has since progressed to the position of Community Fundraiser. In this role, Jackie’s commitment to both the hospice and the local community shines brightly. She spends the majority of her time giving back to the community, demonstrating remarkable dedication and a deep-seated passion for the hospice and its work. 

Her efforts are not confined to her official duties. Jackie goes above and beyond to ensure the success of the hospice’s initiatives. She actively engages with the community, fostering relationships that help sustain the hospice’s mission. Her work ensures that the hospice remains a vital part of the community, providing essential services and support to those in need. 

Jackie’s role extends beyond mere logistics; she brings a heartfelt dedication that resonates with everyone she meets. Her passion for the hospice and its mission is evident in everything she does. She has become a beloved figure within the community, known for her tireless efforts and unwavering commitment. Jackie's work not only supports the hospice financially but also strengthens the community’s connection to the hospice.