East Lancashire Hospice

Carl Barlow

Carl Barlow

Carl Barlow - Clitheroe Charity Shop Manager 

Carl Barlow's story with East Lancashire Hospice began 15 years ago, during a challenging time in his life. After being made redundant following 24 years in carpet manufacturing, Carl found himself with little work during the winter, relying on gardening jobs to make ends meet. One day, he noticed a job vacancy in the hospice shop window and decided to apply. 

He started as a shop supervisor and, through dedication and hard work, became the Clitheroe shop manager after the lockdown. In his role, Carl has been instrumental in increasing sales, supervising volunteers, and sorting donations. One of his proudest achievements has been increasing the number of volunteers post-lockdown and fostering a positive working relationship with them. 

Becoming the shop manager brought extra respon­sibi­lities, but it also offered Carl the flexibility to continue his gardening work, as he only works 25 hours a week with somewhat flexible hours. This balance has been beneficial for him personally and has allowed him to continue contributing to the hospice. 

Carl has witnessed the hospice grow and innovate in the services it offers to the region. He deeply appreciates the caring and sensitive environment the hospice provides for both staff and those they care for