A record-breaking Christmas Fayre!
Our finance elves are busy adding up the wonderful amount raised at yesterday's big Christmas Fayre but we can tell you the amount raised is...............over £7,000! This will make such a difference to our patients and we have you to thank for turning out in the bad weather to support your local hospice! A very huge festive thank you to you all for coming and digging deep, and of course our fab volunteers who worked hard all day!
Here are the wonferdul winners from our raffle and games:
Raffle - unclaimed prizes
Blue tickets Yellow tickets
24 69
71 - Carol 66
61 109 - Pat
43 37
17 81 - Brian
69 49 - Thomas
106 62 - Maggie
78 7 - Joyce
81 67
35 - Granville
If you're a raffle winner please collect your prize from the fundraising department (01254 287012) by Friday 20th November. Bring your ticket during office hours to collect your prize.
Name the teddy
The teddy's name is Little Ted - won by Amelia
Guess the weight of the cake
Actual weight is 7.27 lbs - won by Janet who guessed 7lb 2 oz
String in the box game
Dinner at Astley bank - won by Nicola